TEN GRAND® is easy to learn and travels well. It has even been played on Air Force One during the Clinton Administration. There are six dice, each with an Ace of Spades, a King, a Queen, a Jack, the number 50, and the number 100.
Options to Playing, Scoring & Trivia About the Game
- Determine who goes first by each player throwing all six dice 1 time and the highest score goes first. In case of a tie the tying players throw again.
- Play goes clockwise from the first player.
- A game will take about 15 minutes per player.
- One player should be the designated scorekeeper, keeping tally with pen and paper.
- Age range for the game is about 8 years old and older.
- Options to scoring:
A. ‘Getting On The Board’ or To get a first score:
Make it a requirement that in order to get a first score, a player must Roll the dice at least 3 times and get at least 350 points before they can stop.
B. Allow for a “Straight” to count as 200 points- BUT it also counts as a ROLLOUT.
A “Straight” is defined as 1 of each face. For example: You keep a 100 from your first ROLL. Then you ROLL 5 dice and you keep a 50 from the second ROLL. On your third ROLL you get Jack, Queen, King and Ace. Instead of being scored as no points and a BURN, this would be a “Straight,” 1 of each face and all dice would be worth points, qualifying as a ROLLOUT. You can then pick up all 6 dice (risking 200 points) and ROLL again.
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